Revision & Corrective Surgery
In some cases, reconstruction may require revision or corrective surgery. This can be difficult to process emotionally, as it may bring up feelings of fear, uncertainty, and sadness. Patients may be skittish to choose revisional surgery, as they’ve been burned by inexperienced or unskilled surgeons. At Park Place Surgical Hospital, our expert team of breast specialists and general surgeons have experience correcting past mistakes and helping patients feel whole again.
Patients seeking revisional or corrective surgery may require a referral from a general practitioner. The breast specialist will be able to evaluate your current condition, past incision lines, skin elasticity, and other factors to determine which approach will work best for your body type. These procedures can be used to improve symmetry, correct implant positioning, adjust the size, and create volume. This may be done to address issues that may have arisen due to medical complications or less-than-desirable results from previous surgery. In some cases, additional procedures such as fat transfer, skin grafting, or nipple reconstruction may also be required.
It is important to talk to your surgeon about your feelings and expectations and to take the time to research and understand any risks associated with revision or corrective surgery. Additionally, it can be helpful to talk to other breast cancer survivors who have had reconstruction and talk with them about their experiences.

Patient Journey

General Practitioner
The journey begins with a visit to the general practitioner who, after an initial assessment, suspects or has diagnosed breast cancer. They refer the patient to a specialist for further diagnostics to get a more detailed look at the suspected malignancy.

Breast Surgeon
After the surgery, the patient is referred to a breast specialist or a plastic surgeon who has expertise in reconstructive surgery. This surgeon conducts the DIEP flap surgery, which involves using the patient’s own abdominal skin and fat to rebuild the breast.